- New paper on Polariton LED in Nature Nano – by Jie, Biswanath and Mandeep – a tour de force effort!
- Congratulations Jie for successfully defending his PhD thesis – headed to J-Shan & K-F Mak group @ Cornell for post-doc.
- New paper on Light Guiding at the Angstrom limit with Ert Cubukcu and Jacob Khurgin groups appear in Nature Nanotechnology
- Vinod to serve as IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Lecturer for second term (2019-20) – NSF and DOE highlight our work on breaking FRET distance barrier – Congratulations Team!
- Biswanath’s paper on “Electric field control of polaritons in 2D materials” appear in Nano Letters
- Rahul’s paper on “Breaking FRET distance barrier using metamaterials” appear in <a href=”https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00484″ target=”new”>ACS Photonics </a></br>
- – Interacting Bloch polaritons in 2D materials with Kena-Cohen group appear in <a href=”https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-018-0219-7″ target=”new”>Nature Nanotechnology </a></br>
- – Zheng’s paper on Valley Polaritons appear in <a href=”http://www.nature.com/nphoton/journal/v11/n8/abs/nphoton.2017.121.html” target=”new”>Nature Photonics</a></br>
- Tal’s paper on Photonic Hypercrystals appear in <a href=”http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2017/04/25/1702683114.full” target=”new”> PNAS </a>. See NSF Highlight <a href=”https://news.science360.gov/obj/story/b1f0c50e-9bbe-4a8d-abc8-455b4a4d95fe/hypercrystals-nanomaterials-combine-control-light” target = “new”>Science 360</a></br>
<a href=”https://lanmp.org//links/other-news/” target=”_new”>More News</a>
- Jie’s paper on organic-2D heterojunctions appears in Nano Letters
- Vinod appears in Science Goes to the Movies explaining holograms – Star Wars, Star Trek and Tony Stark’s lab…
- Zav, Hari and Ryan’s paper on single photon emission in hBN in collaboration with Meriles group appears in ACS Photonics
- Tal, Zheng and Ryan’s paper on metamaterials to enhance emission from 2D materials published in Nano Letters – Congratulations! See Press Coverage
- Congratulations Tal, Ryan and Deanna on their new positions @ Coriant, MSquared, and Lumiode respectively!
- Vinod gave graduation address to the newcomers High School students
- Jared’s paper on SHG enhancement from 2D materials in Optics Material Express
- Ryan’s paper on Raman enhancement using 2D MoS2 in ACS Photonics
- Nick’s paper on photo induced voltage in plasmonic crystals in Optics Express
- Congratulations Zheng for winning Nanophotonics Technical Group Outstanding Student Poster Award at CLEO 2016
- Tal’s Optica paper is listed among the top downloaded papers during its first year.
- Vinod appears in Science goes to Movies – CUNY TV show
- Congratulations Deanna and Ryan (Masters) and Paulo and Charlie (Undergraduate) for successful completition of your degrees
- Tal gave a post-deadline talk in FIO 2015
- EFRI 2-DARE grant awarded to team led by Prof. Vinod Menon
- NSF ECCS grant on polaritons in 2D materials
- Post Deadline Paper at CLEO/QELS on electron-hole plasma lasing
- Our work featured in NY Times
- Vinod’s News & Views on 2D Nano lasers in Nature Materials
- Tal’s paper on light extraction and enhancement from hyperbolic metamaterials published in Optica, Press coverage – NSF, OpliNET, Compound Semiconductors, Science Daily, Phys.org, …
- Xiaoze’s paper on realizing strong coupling in 2D materials published in Nature Photonics. Press coverage – NSF, Nanowerk, Science Daily, Phys.org, International Business Times, Times of India, Mathrubhumi (Malayalam news paper)
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