The CUNY ASRC- CDI Science complex located in the south campus of City College.
The Laboratory for Nano and Micro Photonics (LaNMP) is located in the CDI at City College. Specific instrumentation in the LaNMP group include:
Spectroscopy: Fourier space microscopy to map dispersion of photonic structures and radiation pattern of nanomaterials, Time resolved luminescence with 1ps time resolution using Hamamatsu streak camera, Confocal microscopy combined with quantum correlation (Hanbury Brown and Twiss), Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, Exciton diffusion measurement setup for ordered and disordered molecular solids, Low temperature (4K – Montana Instruments) confocal microscopy and spectroscopy (steady state and time resolved), Magneto-optic cryostat (1Opticool) with 7T magnetic field and 1.7K base temperature equipped with Fourier imaging microscopy, Photoluminescence Excitation (PLE), Single photon emission spectroscopy, Structured illumination microscopy, KHz pump laser (Light Conversion) for use with pump-probe spectroscopy, Supercontinuum laser (NKT Photonics), Ultrafast tunable laser (Toptica TVIS), NdYAG laser, and variety of diode lasers.
Modeling: The group also has several computational tools for modeling of photonic structures and light-matter interaction including, Finite Difference Time Domain Simulation software, COMSOL Multiphysics, and other in house developed simulation tools.
Fabrication: In addition to the Nanofabrication facility at CUNY ASRC (see below), we have facilities for 2D material exfoliation, transfer and precision assembly, Spin coating and self-assembly.
ASRC Nanofabrication Facility located steps from our lab on the CCNY campus has state of the art nanofabrication tools including electron beam lithography (Elionix 100 keV), Focused ion beam etcher, Reactive ion etcher, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, thermal processing, metrology and back-end processing.
The group also has access to the imaging and surface science facilities that host a variety of metrology tools.