Pratap Chandra Adak
PhD - TIFR, Mumbai, India
Email: [email protected]

Daegwang Choi
PhD - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Email: [email protected]

Suvodeep Paul
PhD - IISER Bhopal, India
Email: [email protected]
Doctoral Students

Sichao Yu
Email: [email protected]

Agneya Dharmapalan
Email: [email protected]

Serena Zachariah
Email: [email protected]

Rishabh Kaurav
Email: [email protected]

Abhishek Budarapu
Email: [email protected]
Emmanuel Haizel
Email: [email protected]
Kwanghee Han
Email: [email protected]

Minhyun Cho
Email: [email protected]
Masters/ Post-Bac
Undergraduate Students
Ezra Bader
Email: [email protected]
Iris Mcdaniel
Email: [email protected]
Leo Leshchinsky
Email: [email protected]
Rahul Ramkisoon
Email: [email protected]
Prathmesh Deshmukh (2023): META – Facebook
Gabriel Lopez Morales (2022): NSF CREST Post-doctoral Fellow
Rezlind Bushati (2022): Quantinuum
Mandeep Khatoniar (2021): Intel
Rong Wu (2020)
Jie Gu (2019): Post-Doctoral Fellow, Cornell Univ. – Shan-Mak Group -> Faulty @ Fudan University (https://www.gujielab.com/)
Rahul Deshmukh (2019): Post-Doctoral Fellow – NYU
Nicholas Proscia (2018): Post-Doctoral Fellow – Naval Research Lab (NRC Fellowship) -> Staff member NRL
Zheng Sun (2017): Post-Doctoral Fellow U Pitt – Snoke Group -> Faculty @ Eastern Normal University
Tal Galfsky (2016): Scientist, Advanced Technology Group, Elneion -> Cherre.com
Xiaoze Liu (2015): Post-Doctoral Fellow UC Berkeley – Zhang Group -> Faculty @ Wuhan University.
Harish Krishnamoorthy (2014): Post-Doctoral Fellow NUS Singapore – Zheludev Group -> TIFR Hyderabad, India.
Nick Okoye (2013).
David Goldberg (2012): Lecturer, Queens College of CUNY.
Saima Husaini (2011): NRC Post Doc Fellow – AFRL -> Research Scientist, LGS Innovations
Biswajit Datta (2020-24): Intel
Ravindra Kumar Yadav (2020-24): Asst. Prof. IIT Mandi
Gabriel Lopez Morales (2019-22): Flatiron
Florian Dirnberger (2019-2022): Emmy Noether Fellow, TU Munich
Sitakant Satapathy (2019-2022): Quantum Circuits Inc.
Kevin Cognee (2020-2022): Ommatidia Lidar
Bin Liu (2017-20): Post-doc, Forrest group, U Michigan
Mingxing Li (2018-20): Research Staff, Brookhaven Natl. Labs
Biswanath Chakraborty (2016-19) : Asst. Prof. IIT Jammu.
Sriram Guddala (2016-19) : Resesarch Staff – Andrea Alu group.
Zav Shotan (2015-17) : Cherre.com.
Jared Day (2014-16): Consultant / Start up: Appscopy.com.
Divya Kizhmuri (2015-16): Scientist, EMD Performance Materials
Ajit de Silva (2006-07): Univ of West Georgia .
Nikesh Valappil (2006 – 2008): TIFR, Mumbai .
Masters students:
Alexandra Boehmke (2017-18): Cambridge – Baumberg group.
Christopher Considine (2016): Laser Engineer, M Squared Lasers .
Deanna Lombardo (2016): Lumiode Inc..
Sahana Das Bhattacharya: PhD program CUNY.
Undergraduates (summer and long term researchers):
Addy Sharma (2022-24): CCNY -> grad student U Chicago
Jack Chapman (2023-24): Yale -> grad student U of Washington
Sarah Fischer (2020-23): CCNY -> grad student Maryland
Charanjot Singh (2021-23): CCNY -> grad student CUNY
Francesca Soddu (2019-20): CCNY -> grad student Harvard
Mohammad Hassan (2018-19): CCNY -> grad student CUNY
Aziza Almanakly (2018-19): Cooper Union -> grad student MIT
Madison Manley (Summer 2019 REU): Univ of Florida
Carter Young (Summer 2019 REU): UT Austin -> grad student CUNY
Rian Kootz (2016-18): CCNY -> grad student Stony Brook
Hussain Bokhari (2018-19): CCNY -> Grad student CUNY
Nick Yama (Summer 2018 REU): Univ of Hawaii -> grad student Univ. of Washington
Michael Haas (Summer 2017 REU): Univ of Chicago -> grad student Harvard
Lakeisha Ramos (Summer 2017 REU): UPR.
Emaad Khwaja (Summer 2016): CUNY – Hunter -> grad student Berkeley
Charles Cohen (2016-18): CCNY -> Analyst @ Aretove Tech.
Michael Dollar (2016-18): CCNY -> Analyst @ Amex
Rachel Hecht (Summer 2015): Hunter -> grad student Harvard
Paulo Marquez (2015-16): CCNY -> Maryland
Baruch Tabanpour (Summer 2013): Columbia .
Hua Yu Teng (2012-13) CUNY Queens.
Tyler Bianco (2012-13) CUNY Queens.
Matthew Luberto (2006-07): CUNY Queens.
Yaakov Fein (BA): Grad Student, University of Melbourne.
Vasilios Passias (BA): Grad Student, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
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Web: https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/profiles/vinod-menon-0