Highly nonlinear dipolar polaritons published in Nature Comm.

Congratulations Biswajit, Mandeep, Rez, Prathmesh, and collaborators – Stephane Kena-Cohen, Felix Thouin and Simone De Liberato

Link to the article: Highly nonlinear dipolar exciton-polaritons in bilayer MoS2


New paper on “spin correlated polaritons in vdW magnets” in Nature Nanotech.

Congratulations Florian, Rez, and Biswajit! Here is a link to the paper in Nature Nanotech.

And thank you to wonderful collaboration with Edoardo Baldini, Ajesh Kumar and Allan MacDonald from UT Austin

Congratulations Rezlind Bushati and Gabriel Lopez Morales for successfully defending their thesis!

Rez moves on to Quantinuum making better ion trap quantum computers and Gabriel won a prestigious NSF CREST Post-doctoral fellowship.

Postdeadline paper at CLEO 2022

Excitons polaritons in vdW magnets – Congratulations Florian and Rez

Thermalization of polaritons in fluoroscent proteins with Koder group

New paper from Sitakant, Bin, Prathmesh et al. in collaboration with Koder’s group on thermalization of exciton-polaritons in Advanced Materials.

Two paper in Science Advances – Congratulations Sitakant, Florian and rest of the team!

Paper 1: Making dark molecular isomers bright via strong coupling in collaboration with G. John, F. Garcia-Vidal and J. Feist groups

Paper 2: Strain guiding of excitons in 2D materials in collaboration with Chernikov group

Gabriel’s paper on Ce implanted hBN in OMEX

Rare earth doped hBN appears in Opt Mat Express – Congratulations Gabriel and rest of the team!

Two papers with Khanikaev and Alu groups in Nature Comm.

Paper 1 reports non-reciprocity in 2D materials via the valley degree of freedom and Paper 2 reports the observation of topological exciton-polaritons.

Jie’s paper on Rydberg Exciton Polaritons out in Nature Comm.

Enhanced nonlinear interactions of Rydberg exciton-polaritons is demonstrated. The paper appeared online on April 15, 2021 in Nature Communications.

paper on coupling hBN emitters to cavities in Nanophotonics

Nick’s paper on coupling hBN emitters to cavities in Nanophotonics.